Our global reward catalog is filled with 1,500+ physical and digital gift cards, prepaid cards, and payouts. With so many options, there’s something for everyone.
Os vales-presente da Amazon.es* podem ser trocados por milhões de itens em www.amazon.es. A vasta seleção da Amazon.es inclui produtos em livros, eletrônicos, música, downloads de MP3, filmes e TV, roupas, videogames, software, esportes e atividades ao ar livre, brinquedos, bebês, computadores e escritório, casa e jardim, joias, beleza, bricolage e Melhoria da casa, produtos de escritório, câmera e foto, suprimentos para animais de estimação e muito mais. Amazon.es é o lugar para encontrar e descobrir quase tudo o que você deseja comprar online a um ótimo preço.
* Gift Vouchers can be redeemed for millions of products on www.amazon.es. The great selection of Amazon.esproducts includes Kindle, books, electronics, TV movies and music, computers, video games, toys and baby, home and DIY, watches and jewelry, shoes and accessories, sports, car and motorcycle and many more. Amazon.es is the best place to find and discover almost everything you want to buy online at excellent prices.
*Restrições aplicadas. Veja detalhes em: www.amazon.es/cheques-regalo-condiciones
*Restrictions apply. See details at: www.amazon.es/cheques-regalo-condiciones
Les Chèques-Cadeaux Amazon.fr* peuvent être utilisés pour des millions d’articles sur www.amazon.fr. Amazon.fr propose une immense sélection de livres, produits électroniques, musique, téléchargements MP3, films et TV, vêtements, jeux vidéo, logiciels, sports & activités de plein air, jouets, articles de puériculture, ordinateurs & bureautique, maison & jardin, bijoux, beauté, bricolage et décoration d’intérieur, produits de bureau, vidéo & photo, accessoires pour animaux et bien d’autres choses encore. Amazon.fr est le site où trouver et acheter en ligne à un excellent prix quasiment tout ce que vous voulez.
Amazon.fr Gift Certificates* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.fr. Amazon.fr's huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewelry, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.fr is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
*Amazon.fr ne parraine pas le présent Programme. Les chèques-cadeaux Amazon.fr pourront être utilisés sur le site Web Amazon.fr pour l'achat de produits éligibles répertoriés dans notre catalogue en ligne et vendus par Amazon.fr ou d'autres vendeurs vendant leurs produits sur le site Amazon.fr. Les chèques-cadeaux ne peuvent être enregistrés plusieurs fois, revendus, cédés pour contrepartie onéreuse, échangés contre des espèces ou appliqués à un autre compte. Amazon.fr n’est pas responsable des vols, pertes, destructions ou utilisations sans autorisation des chèques-cadeaux. Voir conditions complètes sur www.amazon.fr/utiliser-un-cheque-cadeau. Emission des chèques-cadeaux par Amazon EU Sàrl. Tous les ®, TM et © Amazon sont la propriété intellectuelle d’Amazon.com ou ses filiales.
*Amazon.fr is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon.fr Gift Certificates ("GCs") may be redeemed on the Amazon.fr website towards the purchase of eligible products listed in our online catalogue and sold by Amazon.fr or any other seller selling through Amazon.fr. GCs cannot be reloaded, resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other account. Amazon.fr is not responsible if a GC is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. See www.amazon.fr/utiliser-un-cheque-cadeau for complete terms and conditions. GCs are issued by Amazon EU S.à r.l. All Amazon ®, ™ & © are IP of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
Amazon Pay Gift Card – The Perfect Gift for Every Celebration! Gift your loved ones Amazon Pay E-Gift Cards for various celebratory occasions in life and let them experience instant shopping gratification.
Amazon.in is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
I Buoni Regalo* Amazon.it possono essere utilizzati per milioni di articoli su www.amazon.it. La vasta selezione di prodotti Amazon.it include Libri, Elettronica, Musica, Film e TV, Abbigliamento, Video Giochi, Software, Sport e Tempo libero, Giocattoli, Computer e Ufficio, Casa e Giardino, Orologi, Foto e Videocamere e altro. Amazon.it è il luogo dove trovare e scoprire tutto ciò che vuoi comprare online ad un prezzo conveniente.
Amazon.it Gift Certificates* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.it. Amazon.it's huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewellery, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.it is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
* Amazon.it non è uno sponsor della presente promozione. I Buoni Regalo Amazon.it possono essere utilizzati sul sito Amazon.it per l'acquisto di prodotti elencati nel nostro catalogo on-line e venduti da Amazon.it o da qualsiasi altro venditore attraverso Amazon.it I Buoni Regalo Amazon non possono essere ricaricati, rivenduti, convertiti in contanti, trasferiti o utilizzati in un altro account. Amazon.it non è responsabile per lo smarrimento, il furto, la distruzione o l’uso non autorizzato dei Buoni Regalo. I termini e condizioni d’uso sono disponibili su www.amazon.it/buoni-regalo-termini-condizioni. I Buoni Regalo sono emessi da Amazon EU Sarl. Tutti i ®, TM e © Amazon sono proprietà intellettuale di Amazon.com o delle sue filiali.
*Amazon.it is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon.it Gift Certificates ("GCs") may be redeemed on the Amazon.it website towards the purchase of eligible products listed in our online catalogue and sold by Amazon.it or any other seller selling through Amazon.it. GCs cannot be reloaded, resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other account. Amazon.it is not responsible if a GC is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. See www.amazon.it/buoni-regalo-termini-condizioni for complete terms and conditions. GCs are issued by Amazon EU S.à r.l. All Amazon ®, ™ & © are IP of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
Amazon.nl-vouchers kunnen worden gerekend op miljoenen artikelen op www.amazon.nl en bepaalde gelieerde websites. De enorme selectie van Amazon.nl omvat producten in de categorieën boeken, elektronica, muziek, MP3-downloads, film en televisie, kleding, video games, software, sport en buitenshuis, speelgoed, baby, computer en kantoor, huis en tuin, sieraden, schoonheid, home improvement, kantoorbenodigdheden, camera en foto, dierbenodigdheden en meer. Amazon.nl is de plek waar u vind en ontdek bijna alles wat u online wilt kopen tegen een concurrerende prijs.
Amazon.nl Gift Cards* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.nl. Amazon.nl’s huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewelry, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.nl is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
*Ga naar Amazon.nl/cb-juridisch voor de volledige algemene voorwaarden. Er worden geen servicekosten in rekening gebracht.
*For complete terms and conditions, see amazon.nl/gc-legal. No service fees.
Karta Podarunkowa Amazon.pl można liczyć na miliony artykułów na stronie www.amazon.pl i niektórych witrynach stowarzyszonych. Ogromny wybór Amazon.pl obejmuje produkty w kategoriach książek, elektroniki, muzyki, plików MP3, filmów i telewizja, odzież, gry wideo, oprogramowanie, sport i na zewnątrz, zabawki, niemowlę, komputer i biuro, dom i ogród, biżuteria, uroda, majsterkowanie, artykuły biurowe, aparat fotograficzny i fotograficzny, akcesoria dla zwierząt i nie tylko. Amazon.com to miejsce, w którym znajduj i odkrywaj prawie wszystko, co chcesz kupić online po konkurencyjnej cenie.
Amazon.pl Gift Cards can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.pl. Amazon.pl’s huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewelry, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.pl is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
Obowiązują ograniczenia, patrz www.amazon.pl/gc-legal.
Restrictions apply, see www.amazon.pl/gc-legal.
يجمع Amazon.sa بين أفضل المعرفة المحلية التي يتميز بها موقع souq وخبرة Amazon العالمية في مجال البيع بالتجزئة ويضم أكثر من 30 مليون منتج، من بينها تلك المنتجات التي كانت متاحة سابقًا في souq، بالإضافة إلى خمسة ملايين منتج من Amazon US. سيستمتع العملاء الذين يتسوقون على Amazon.sa بالالتزام نفسه بتوفير أسعار رائعة كما في موقع souq وخدمة التوصيل السريع والموثوق فيه، فضلاً عن مجموعة من خيارات الدفع الملائمة. إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى على الإطلاق لموقع Amazon، فسيكون للعملاء خيار التسوق باللغة العربية على كلٍّ من تطبيق Amazon وموقع الويب الخاص بها.
Amazon.sa brings together the best of souq's local know-how and Amazon's global retailing experience, and features over 30 million products, including those previously available on souq and five million products from Amazon US. Customers shopping on Amazon.sa will enjoy the same commitment to great prices as on souq, fast and reliable delivery, and a range of convenient payment options. For the first time ever at Amazon, customers will have the option of shopping in Arabic on both the Amazon App and the website.
Amazon.sa ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Amazon.sa is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Amazon.se Presentkort* kan lösas in mot en mängd olika artiklar å www.amazon.se. Amazon.se har ett stort utbud av produkter i kategorier som Böcker, Elektronik, Musik, MP3-nedladdningar, Film & TV, Kläder, Videospel, Programvara, Sport och friluftsliv, Leksaker, Babyprodukter, Datorer och kontorsprodukter, Hem och trädgård, Smycken, Skönhet, Gör-det-själv och renovering, Kontorsprodukter, Kamera och foto, Husdjursprodukter och mycket mer. Amazon.se är platsen där du hittar nästan allt du vill köpa.
Amazon.se Gift Cards* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.se. Amazon.se’s huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewelry, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.se is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
*För fullständiga villkor, se amazon.se/gc-legal.
*For complete terms and conditions, see amazon.se/gc-legal.
America SCORES inspires urban youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and character to make a difference in the world. America SCORES partners with urban schools to provide a high quality, team-based program that integrates soccer, poetry and service-learning. Our innovative approach improves students’ health, academic achievement and civic engagement.
Tango Card, Inc. is not affiliated with America SCORES, but is acting as the payment recipient for America SCORES. Tango Card will donate to the America SCORES $1 for every dollar-equivalent Reward Program value you contribute, less an 8% administrative fee retained by Tango Card. The America SCORES will not receive your contact information and will not provide a receipt.
Find cancer information and services at cancer.org or by calling us at 1-800-227-2345.
Tango Card, Inc. is not affiliated with the American Cancer Society but is acting as the payment recipient for American Cancer Society. Tango Card will donate to the American Cancer Society $1 for every dollar-equivalent Reward Program value you contribute, less an 8% administrative fee retained by Tango Card. The American Cancer Society will not receive your contact information and will not provide a receipt.
Nous sommes la marque de jeans préférée de l’Amérique, mais nous faisons plus que de fabriquer simplement de supers jeans. Nous voulons créer de véritables liens avec les gens qui les portent. Nous embrassons et habilitons leur individualité et célébrons leur liberté. Nous croyons que chaque personne mérite une paire de jeans qui fait ressortir le meilleur d'elle-même. Trouvez la vôtre (et tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour l'accompagner) dans les magasins, sur l'application ou sur ae.com.
We're America's favorite denim brand, but we do more than just make great jeans. We want to create real connections with the people who wear them. We embrace and empower their individuality and celebrate their freedom. We believe that every person deserves a pair of jeans that brings out the best in them. Find yours (and everything you need to go with it) in stores, on the app or on ae.com.
American Eagle Outfitters n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement affilié au programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques d'identification ci-jointes sont des marques déposées de chaque société représentée et/ou de ses affiliés et leur appartiennent. Veuillez consulter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions supplémentaires.
American Eagle Outfitters is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
We are America’s favorite jeans brand, but we’re about more than making great jeans. We’re about making real connections with the people who wear them. We embrace and empower their individuality and celebrate their freedom. We believe every person deserves a pair of jeans that brings out their best self. Find yours (and everything you need to go with it!) in stores, on the app, or at ae.com. #AExME
*American Eagle Outfitters is not a sponsor of the rewards or promotion or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
American Eagle גיפט קארד - מציע קולקציות סוחפות של בגדי נשים, גברים וילדים.
American Eagle Gift Card - offers sweeping collections of women's, men's and children's clothing.
American Eagleאינו נותן חסות לתגמולים או קשור בדרך אחרת לתוכנית התגמול. הלוגו וסימני זיהוי אחרים המצורפים הם סימנים מסחריים
של ובבעלות כל חברה מיוצגת ו/או החברות הקשורות לה. אנא בקר באתר האינטרנט של כל חברה לתנאים והגבלות נוספים.
American Eagle is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
American Red Cross volunteers and staff work to deliver vital services – from providing relief and support to those in crisis, to helping you be prepared to respond in emergencies. We aspire to turn compassion into action so that......all people affected by disaster across the country and around the world receive care, shelter and hope;...our communities are ready and prepared for disasters;
...everyone in our country has access to safe, lifesaving blood and blood products;
...all members of our armed services and their families find support and comfort whenever needed; and
...in an emergency, there are always trained individuals nearby, ready to use their Red Cross skills to save lives.
We Are The American Red Cross - Sleeves Up. Hearts Open. All In.
Tango Card, Inc. is not affiliated with American Red Cross, but is acting as the payment recipient for American Red Cross. Tango Card will donate to the American Red Cross $1 for every dollar-equivalent Reward Program value you contribute, less an 8% administrative fee retained by Tango Card. The American Red Cross will not receive your contact information and will not provide a receipt.
O Cartão Presente Americanas.com é uma ótima opção para presentear seus parentes e amigos, e premiar seus parceiros, clientes e funcionários em datas comemorativas! Com mais de 500.000 produtos, Americanas.com é reconhecida como a maior empresa on-line na América Latina, servindo 10 milhões de clientes e 20.000 empresas.
The Americanas.com Gift Card is a great option to give your relatives and friends, and reward your partners, customers and employees on holidays! With more than 500,000 products, Americanas.com is recognized as the largest online company in Latin America, serving 10 million customers and 20,000 companies.
Americanas.com não é patrocinadora das recompensas ou afiliada ao programa de recompensas. Os logotipos e outras marcas de identificação anexadas são marcas registradas e de propriedade de cada empresa representada e/ou suas afiliadas. Visite o site de cada empresa para obter termos e condições adicionais.
Americanas.com is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Certificado de Regalo para tienda física o digital de Innovasport e Innvictus.
Gift Certificate for physical or digital store of Innovasport and Innvictus.
Ameshop no es patrocinador de las recompensas ni tampoco está afiliado al programa de recompensas. Los logotipos y otras marcas identificativas son marcas registradas y pertenecen a la compañía que representan y/o a sus afiliados. Por favor, para conocer los términos y condiciones, visita la web de cada empresa.
Ameshop is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Amicafarmacia.com è il più grande shopping online in Italia dedicato alla bellezza e alla salute con oltre 30mila prodotti.
Amicafarmacia.com is the largest online shopping in Italy dedicated to beauty and health with over 30 thousand products.
Amicafarmacia non è uno sponsor dei premi né è altrimenti affiliato al programma di premi. I loghi e altri segni identificativi allegati sono marchi di fabbrica e di proprietà di ciascuna società rappresentata e/o delle sue affiliate. Si prega di visitare il sito Web di ciascuna azienda per ulteriori termini e condizioni.
Amicafarmacia is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Anghami هي أول منصة بث موسيقي وشركة توزيع رقمي قانونية في العالم العربي. أُطلقت في نوفمبر 2012، لتوفر إمكانية بث وتنزيل عددٍ غير محدود من الموسيقى العربية والعالمية في وضع عدم الاتصال.
Anghami is the first legal music streaming platform and digital distribution company in the Arab world. It launched in November 2012, providing unlimited Arabic and international music to stream and download for offline mode.
Plus Anghami ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Anghami Plus is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Anghami هي أول منصة بث موسيقي وشركة توزيع رقمي قانونية في العالم العربي. أُطلقت في نوفمبر 2012، لتوفر إمكانية بث وتنزيل عددٍ غير محدود من الموسيقى العربية والعالمية في وضع عدم الاتصال.
Anghami is the first legal music streaming platform and digital distribution company in the Arab world. It launched in November 2012, providing unlimited Arabic and international music to stream and download for offline mode.
Anghami ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Anghami is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Anghami هي أول منصة بث موسيقي وشركة توزيع رقمي قانونية في العالم العربي. أُطلقت في نوفمبر 2012، لتوفر إمكانية بث وتنزيل عددٍ غير محدود من الموسيقى العربية والعالمية في وضع عدم الاتصال.
Anghami is the first legal music streaming platform and digital distribution company in the Arab world. It launched in November 2012, providing unlimited Arabic and international music to stream and download for offline mode.
Anghami ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Anghami is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
With a wide range of home and office furniture, we are able to give you exactly what you need and surprise you with accessories you didn’t even know you wanted, from funky, plush sofas to executive conference tables. Your furniture provider of choice.
Antarc Furniture is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Apart to polska marka, która specjalizuje się w produkcji biżuterii oraz dodatków modowych dla kobiet. Firma ta powstała w 1977 roku, i od tamtej pory zdobyła uznanie na rynku zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą. Apart oferuje bogatą ofertę biżuterii, w tym pierścionki, naszyjniki, bransoletki, kolczyki oraz broszki. Wszystkie produkty są wykonane z najwyższej jakości materiałów, takich jak złoto, srebro, diamenty i kamienie szlachetne. Marka ta często współpracuje z uznawanymi na całym świecie projektantami, co pozwala jej wprowadzać na rynek nowe, innowacyjne kolekcje. Apart to także wyjątkowe dodatki modowe, takie jak torebki, szaliki i zegarki, które dopełniają stylizację każdej kobiety. Marka ta jest znana z eleganckiego i ponadczasowego stylu, który idealnie pasuje do różnych okazji i gustów.
Apart is a Polish brand that specializes in the production of jewelry and fashion accessories for women. This company was established in 1977, and since then it has gained recognition on the market both in Poland and abroad. Apart offers a wide range of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and brooches. All products are made of the highest quality materials such as gold, silver, diamonds and precious stones. This brand often cooperates with globally recognized designers, which allows it to introduce new, innovative collections to the market. Apart also offers unique fashion accessories, such as handbags, scarves and watches that complement every woman's styling. The brand is known for its elegant and timeless style that perfectly suits a variety of occasions and tastes.
Firma Apart nie jest sponsorem nagród ani nie jest w żaden inny sposób powiązana z tym programem nagród. Logotyp i inne dołączone znaki identyfikacyjne są znakami towarowymi i należą do każdej reprezentowanej firmy i/lub jej podmiotów stowarzyszonych. Odwiedź witrynę internetową każdej z firms, aby sprawdzić dodatkowe warunki.
Apart is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Apollo Pharmacy is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Apollo hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Kunden nicht nur zufriedenzustellen, sondern zu begeistern
Mit herausragendem Service, professioneller Beratung in Optik- und Stilfragen sowie Produkten von bester Qualität. Das Sortiment von Apollo umfasst die ganze Welt der internationalen Brillenmode https://www.apollo.de/brillen – eigene Exklusivmarken ebenso wie namhafte Designerfassungen und Sonnenbrillen https://www.apollo.de/sonnenbrillen, zudem ein großes Angebot an Kontaktlinsen und Pflegemitteln aller führenden Hersteller https://www.apollo.de/kontaktlinsen sowie der hauseigenen Marke iWear®. All das bietet Apollo, Deutschlands filialstärkster Optiker, zu fairen und transparenten Preisen.
Bitte beachten Sie:Der Gutschein kann nicht bei Abschluss eines (Kontaktlinsen-)Abos verwendet werden.
Apollo has set itself the goal of not only satisfying customers, but also inspiring them.
With outstanding service, professional advice on appearance and style issues and products of the best quality. Apollo's range covers the entire world of international eyewear fashion https://www.apollo.de/brillen - its own exclusive brands as well as well-known designer frames and sunglasses https://www.apollo.de/sonnenbrillen, as well as a large range of contact lenses and Care products from all leading manufacturers https://www.apollo.de/kontaktlinsen as well as the in-house brand iWear®. Apollo, Germany's largest optician, offers all of this at fair and transparent prices.
Please note: The voucher cannot be used when taking out a (contact lens) subscription.
Apollo-Optik non è uno sponsor dei premi o comunque affiliato a questo programma di ricompensa. I loghi e gli altri marchi identificativi allegati sono marchi e proprietà di ciascuna società rappresentata e / o delle sue affiliate. Per ulteriori termini e condizioni, visitare il sito Web di ciascuna società.
Apollo-Optik is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Eén kaart, miljoenen manieren om ervan te genieten. Gebruik de App Store en iTunes-cadeaubon om apps, games, muziek, films en tv-programma's te downloaden. Verkrijgbaar in verschillende coupures - geef het uit aan in-app-inhoud, boeken, abonnementen op tv-programma's of online.
Eine Karte, Millionen von Möglichkeiten, es zu genießen. Verwenden Sie den App Store und die iTunes-Geschenkkarte, um Apps, Spiele, Musik, Filme und Fernsehsendungen abzurufen. Erhältlich in verschiedenen Konfessionen - geben Sie es für In-App-Inhalte, Bücher, Abonnements von TV-Shows oder online aus.
Une carte, des millions de façons d'en profiter. Utilisez l'App Store et la carte-cadeau iTunes pour obtenir des applications, des jeux, de la musique, des films et des émissions de télévision. Disponible dans une variété de dénominations - dépensez-le sur du contenu intégré à l'application, des livres, des abonnements à des émissions télévisées ou en ligne.
One card, millions of ways to enjoy it. Use the App Store & iTunes Gift Card to get apps, games, music, movies and TV shows. Available in a variety of denominations - spend it on in-app content, books, TV show subscriptions or online.
App Store en iTunes is geen sponsor van de beloningen of is op een andere manier aangesloten bij het beloningsprogramma. De bijgevoegde logo's en andere merken zijn handelsmerken en eigendom van elk vertegenwoordigd bedrijf en / of zijn gelieerde bedrijven. Bezoek de website van elk bedrijf voor aanvullende voorwaarden.
App Store & iTunes ist kein Sponsor der Prämien oder anderweitig mit dem Prämienprogramm verbunden. Die beigefügten Logos und sonstigen Kennzeichen sind Marken und Eigentum jedes vertretenen Unternehmens und / oder seiner verbundenen Unternehmen. Bitte besuchen Sie die Website jedes Unternehmens für weitere Geschäftsbedingungen.
L'App Store et iTunes ne sont pas un sponsor des récompenses ou sont autrement affiliés au programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques ci-joints sont des marques déposées et la propriété de chaque société représentée et / ou de ses sociétés affiliées. Veuillez visiter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions générales supplémentaires.
App Store & iTunes is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
"送上一张充值卡,让亲朋好友尽情聆听 Apple Music 的海量歌曲,选购 App Store 中的数百万款 app,以及购买 iCloud 储存空间。App Store 充值卡有多种面额,小小礼物,献上满满心意.
We are giving you a recharge card so that your friends and family can enjoy the massive catalog of Apple Music, shop from the millions of apps on App Store, and purchase iCloud storage space. App Store recharge cards come in a variety of denominations. It is a small token of our heartfelt gratitude.
App Store & iTunes China 中国不是奖励的赞助商,也不是奖励计划的附属机构。所附徽标和其他识别标志为各代表公司和/或其附属公司的商标,并由其所有。有关其他条款和条件,请访问每家公司的网站。
App Store & iTunes China is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Beware of gift card scams. Do not share your code.
Valid only for U.S. transactions in Apple properties. For assistance, visit support.apple.com/giftcard or call 1-800-275-2273. Not redeemable at Apple resellers or for cash, and no resale, refunds, or exchanges, except as required by law. Apple is not responsible for unauthorized use. Terms apply; see apple.com/us/go/legal/gc. Issued by Apple Value Services, LLC (AVS). © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
Use the new Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it on in-app content, books, subscriptions and even iCloud storage to secure files from all your Apple devices. This gift card does it all. And then some.
Apple Australia is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Hol dir mit der Apple Gift Card Produkte, Zubehör, Apps, Spiele, Musik, Filme, Serien und mehr. Löse sie beim Einkauf im Apple Store oder im App Store ein, oder verwende sie für Abonnements von Musikdiensten oder auch iCloud+.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Apple sponsert weder die Prämien, noch steht man mit diesem Unternehmen in Verbindung. Die beigefügten Logos und anderen Erkennungszeichen sind Marken und Eigentum des jeweiligen Unternehmens und/oder seiner Tochtergesellschaften. Bitte besuchen Sie die Website des jeweiligen Unternehmens, um mehr zu den Nutzungsbedingungen zu erfahren.
Apple is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Apple est une marque déposée d'Apple Inc. Apple n'est pas associée a cette promotion et ne l'a commanditée d'aucune façon.
Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple is not a participant in or sponsor of this promotion.
Hol dir mit der Apple Gift Card Produkte, Zubehör, Apps, Spiele, Musik, Filme, Serien und mehr. Löse sie beim Einkauf im Apple Store oder im App Store ein, oder verwende sie für Abonnements von Musikdiensten oder auch iCloud+.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store, or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Achten Sie auf Betrug mit Geschenkkarten.
Teilen Sie Ihren Code nicht mit anderen. Gültig nur für Apple-Transaktionen in Deutschland. Hilfe findest du unter support.apple.com/giftcard. Nicht bei Apple-Händlern verwendbar oder in Bargeld umwandelbar und nicht weiterverkaufbar, erstattungsfähig oder umtauschbar, sofern nicht gesetzlich vorgeschrieben. Apple ist nicht verantwortlich für die unbefugte Nutzung. Anwendbare Bedingungen; siehe support.apple.com. Herausgegeben von Apple Distribution International Ltd. (ADIL). Kein Ablaufdatum. © 2024 Apple Distribution International Ltd. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Watch out for gift card scams. Do not share your code with others.
Valid only for Apple transactions in Germany. For help, visit support.apple.com/giftcard. Not usable at Apple resellers or convertible to cash and not resellable, refundable or exchangeable except as required by law. Apple is not responsible for any unauthorized use. Applicable Conditions; see support.apple.com. Published by Apple Distribution International Ltd. (ADIL). No expiration date. © 2024 Apple Distribution International Ltd. All rights reserved.
Utilisez votre Apple Gift Card pour acheter des produits, des accessoires, des apps, des jeux, de la musique, des films, des séries, etc. Utilisable dans tous les Apple Store, sur l’App Store ou pour des abonnements pour de la musique, iCloud+, et bien plus.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store, or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Apple n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement affilié au programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques d'identification ci-jointes sont des marques déposées de chaque société représentée et/ou de ses affiliés et leur appartiennent. Veuillez consulter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions supplémentaires.
Apple is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Käytä Apple Gift Cardia ostaaksesi tuotteita, lisävarusteita, appeja, pelejä, musiikkia, elokuvia, TV-sarjoja ja muuta. Voit käyttää sitä paikan päällä missä tahansa Apple Storessa, App Storessa tai musiikin, iCloud+:n ja muiden tilauksiin.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store, or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Apple Finland ei ole palkintojen sponsori tai muuten sidoksissa tähän palkinto-ohjelmaan. Logot ja muut tunnistemerkit ovat kunkin edustetun yrityksen ja/tai sen tytäryhtiöiden tavaramerkkejä ja omistamia. Katso lisäehdot kunkin yrityksen verkkosivustolta.
Apple Finland is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Apple Store 禮品卡不能用於 iTunes Store、App Store、Mac App Store、iBookstore 上的購買,也不能兌換成其他 Apple 禮品卡、向任何手機合約或服務方案的任何帳戶付款、在 Apple 經銷商的購買,或 Apple Financial Services 帳戶下的任何應付款項。Apple Store 禮品卡不能在香港境外兌換,也不能兌換成現金(除非適用之法規要求)。即使禮品卡已新增至 iOS 裝置的電子錢包應用程式中,禮品卡也會保持啟用狀態.
Apple Store Gift Cards cannot be used for purchases at the iTunes Store, the App Store, the Mac App Store, the iBookstore, or for additional Apple Gift Cards, payment to any account of any mobile phone contract or service plan, purchases at Apple resellers, or any payment due under an Apple Financial Services account. Apple Store Gift Cards cannot be redeemed outside Hong Kong and are not redeemable for cash (except where required by applicable law). Cards will remain active even if added to the Wallet app on your iOS device.
Apple Hong Kong 中国不是奖励的赞助商,也不是奖励计划的附属机构。所附徽标和其他识别标志为各代表公司和/或其附属公司的商标,并由其所有。有关其他条款和条件,请访问每家公司的网站。
Apple Hong Kong is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store, or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Beware of gift card scams. Do not share your code.
Valid only for Republic of Ireland transactions in Apple properties. For assistance, visit support.apple.com/giftcard. Not redeemable at Apple resellers or for cash, and no resale, refunds or exchanges, except as required by law. Apple is not responsible for unauthorised use. Terms apply; see apple.com/ie/go/legal/gc. Issued by Apple Distribution International Ltd. (ADIL). No expiry. © 2024 Apple Distribution International Ltd. All rights reserved.
Usa Apple Gift Card per ottenere prodotti, accessori, app, giochi, musica, film, serie TV e molto altro. Utilizzala presso qualsiasi Apple Store, sull’App Store o su abbonamenti per musica, iCloud+ e molto altro.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store, or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Attenzione alle frodi sulle carte regalo. Non condividere il tuo codice.
Valida solo per transazioni riguardanti proprietà Apple in Italia. Per assistenza, visita support.apple.com/giftcard. Non riscattabile presso rivenditori Apple o in cambio di denaro, non rivendibile, rimborsabile o scambiabile, tranne nei casi previsti dalla legge. Apple declina ogni responsabilità per l’uso non autorizzato. Si applicano termini e condizioni; vedi apple.com/it/go/legal/gc. Rilasciato da Apple Distribution International Ltd. (ADIL). Nessuna scadenza.
© 2023 Apple Distribution International Ltd. Tutti i diritti riservati.
Beware of gift card scams. Do not share your code.
Valid only for transactions involving Apple properties in Italy. For assistance, visit support.apple.com/giftcard. Not redeemable at Apple retailers or for cash, not for resale, refund or exchange, except as required by law. Apple disclaims all liability for unauthorized use. Terms and conditions apply; see apple.com/uk/go/legal/gc. Released by Apple Distribution International Ltd. (ADIL). No expiration.
© 2023 Apple Distribution International Ltd. All rights reserved.
新しい Apple Gift Card を使って、製品、アクセサリ、アプリ、ゲーム、音楽、映画、テレビ番組などを入手できます。またこのギフトカードは、アプリ内コンテンツ、書籍、サブスクリプション、すべての Apple デバイスからファイルを保護するための iCloud ストレージなどに使用できます。
Use the new Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it on in-app content, books, subscriptions and even iCloud storage to secure files from all your Apple devices. This gift card does it all. And then some.
Apple Japanは、リワードのスポンサーではなく、リワード プログラムと提携していません。付属のロゴおよびその他の識別マークは、代表する各企業および/またはその関連会社の商標であり、所有しています。追加の条件については、各会社の Web サイトをご覧ください。
Apple Japan is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Gebruik de Apple Gift Card voor de aanschaf van producten, accessoires, apps, games, muziek, films, tv-series en meer. Besteed de kaart in elke Apple Store, in de App Store of aan abonnementen op muziek, iCloud+ en meer.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Apple is geen sponsor van de beloningen en niet anderszins verbonden met het beloningsprogramma. De bijgevoegde logo's en andere herkenningstekens zijn handelsmerken en eigendom van elk vertegenwoordigd bedrijf en/of zijn filialen. Bezoek de website van elk bedrijf voor aanvullende voorwaarden.
Apple is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Bruk Apple Gift Card til å betale for produkter, tilbehør, apper, spill, musikk, filmer, tv-programmer og mer. Bruk det i en Apple Store, i App Store, eller til å abonnere på tjenester som Apple Music, iCloud+ og lignende.
Use your Apple Gift Card to pay for products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Use it in an Apple Store, in the App Store, or to subscribe to services such as Apple Music, iCloud+ and the like.
Apple er ikke en sponsor for belønningene eller på noen som helst måte tilknyttet belønningsprogrammet. Logoene og andre identifiserende merker tilhører varemerker som eies av de representerende selskapene og/eller deres partnere. Besøk selskapenes nettsider for ytterligere vilkår og betingelser.
Apple is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Utilize o Apple Gift Card para comprar produtos, acessórios, apps, jogos, música, filmes, programas de TV e muito mais. Gaste‑o em qualquer Apple Store física, na App Store ou em assinaturas como Apple Music, iCloud+ e muito mais.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Apple não é patrocinadora das recompensas ou afiliada ao programa de recompensas. Os logotipos e outras marcas de identificação anexadas são marcas registradas e de propriedade de cada empresa representada e/ou suas afiliadas. Visite o site de cada empresa para obter os termos e condições adicionais.
Apple is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Usa la Apple Gift Card para comprar productos, accesorios, apps, juegos, música, películas, series y mucho más. Úsala en las tiendas Apple Store, en el App Store o para suscripciones como música, iCloud+ y mucho más.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store, or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Apple Spain no es patrocinador de las recompensas ni tampoco está afiliado al programa de recompensas. Los logotipos y otras marcas identificativas son marcas registradas y pertenecen a la compañía que representan y/o a sus afiliados. Por favor, para conocer los términos y condiciones, visita la web de cada empresa.
Apple Spain is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Använd Apple Gift Card för att skaffa produkter, tillbehör, appar, spel, musik, filmer, tv-serier och mer därtill. Använd det i Apple Store-butiker, i App Store eller på abonnemang på musik, iCloud+ och mer därtill.
Use the Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Use it in Apple Stores, in the App Store or on music subscriptions, iCloud+ and more.
Apple ei ole palkintojen sponsori tai muuten sidoksissa tähän palkinto-ohjelmaan. Logot ja muut tunnistemerkit ovat kunkin edustetun yrityksen ja/tai sen tytäryhtiöiden tavaramerkkejä ja omistamia. Katso lisäehdot kunkin yrityksen verkkosivustolta.
Apple is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Hol dir mit der Apple Gift Card Produkte, Zubehör, Apps, Spiele, Musik, Filme, Serien und mehr. Löse sie beim Einkauf im Apple Store oder im App Store ein, oder verwende sie für Abonnements von Musikdiensten oder auch iCloud+.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Apple Switzerland sponsert weder die Prämien, noch steht man mit diesem Unternehmen in Verbindung. Die beigefügten Logos und anderen Erkennungszeichen sind Marken und Eigentum des jeweiligen Unternehmens und/oder seiner Tochtergesellschaften. Bitte besuchen Sie die Website des jeweiligen Unternehmens, um mehr zu den Nutzungsbedingungen zu erfahren.
Apple Switzerland is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Use Apple Gift Card to get products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and more. Spend it at any Apple Store location, in the App Store, or on subscriptions like music, iCloud+ and more.
Beware of gift card scams. Do not share your code.
Valid only for UK transactions in Apple properties. For assistance, visit support.apple.com/giftcard. Not redeemable at Apple resellers or for cash, and no resale, refunds or exchanges, except as required by law. Apple is not responsible for unauthorised use. Terms apply; see apple.com/uk/go/legal/gc. Issued by Apple Distribution International Ltd. (ADIL). No expiry. © 2023 Apple Distribution International Ltd. All rights reserved.
Les restaurants Applebee's sont fiers d'offrir à tous leurs invités un milieu accueillant. Que vous soyez au Canada, aux États-Unis ou à travers le monde, vous pouvez toujours compter sur Applebee's dans votre quartier pour des amis que connaissez et des plats que vous allez aimer.
As one of the largest casual dining chains in the world, we take pride in making each one of our restaurants a welcoming experience for all of our guests. Whether in Canada, the US or around the world, you can count on the Applebee's in your Neighbourhood for friends you know and dishes you'll love.
Applebees Canada n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement affilié à cette compagnie. Les logos et autres marques d'identification sont des marques de commerce et appartiennent à chaque société représentée et / ou à ses sociétés affiliées. S'il vous plaît visitez le site Web de chaque entreprise pour les termes et conditions supplémentaires.
Applebees Canada is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Apteekkituotteet.fi on hyvinvointiisi keskittyvä verkkoapteekki, jossa on laaja valikoima tuttuja ja turvallisia apteekkituotteita.
Asiantuntevaa palvelua löydät osoitteesta apteekkituotteet.fi - Apteekki lähinnä sinua!
Apteekkitootteet.fi is an online pharmacy focused on your well-being, with a wide selection of familiar and safe pharmacy products.
You can find expert service at apteekkituotet.fi - Apteekki closest to you!
Apteekkituotteet ei ole palkintojen sponsori tai muuten sidoksissa tähän palkinto-ohjelmaan. Logot ja muut tunnistemerkit ovat kunkin edustetun yrityksen ja/tai sen tytäryhtiöiden tavaramerkkejä ja omistamia. Katso lisäehdot kunkin yrityksen verkkosivustolta.
Apteekkituotteet is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Die Marke Aral steht für mehr als nur Tanken. Aral ist für qualitativ hochwertigen Produkte und Services bei den Kunden und den Medien bekannt. Mit rund 2.400 Stationen verfügt Aral über das national größte Tankstellennetz – und ist somit die Nummer 1 im deutschen Tankstellenmarkt.
The Aral brand stands for more than just refueling. Aral is known to customers and the media for its high-quality products and services. With around 2,400 stations, Aral has the largest network of petrol stations in the country - making it number 1 in the German petrol station market.
Aral ist kein Sponsor der Prämien oder anderweitig mit diesem Prämienprogramm verbunden. Die angebrachten Logos und sonstigen Kennzeichen sind Marken und Eigentum der einzelnen vertretenen Unternehmen und/oder ihrer verbundenen Unternehmen. Bitte besuchen Sie die Website jedes Unternehmens für zusätzliche Geschäftsbedingungen.
Aral is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Llevamos el deporte en nuestra sangre y servirle es nuestro mayor desafío, es por eso que entrenamos día a día para brindarle la mejor experiencia de compra, la que usted merece. Nuestras marcas: Joma, New Balance, JDH, Speedo. La validez de esta tarjeta es de 180 días calendario desde el momento de la compra.
We carry sport in our blood and serving you is our greatest challenge, that's why we train day by day to give you the best shopping experience, the one you deserve. Our brands: Joma, New Balance, JDH, Speedo. The validity of this card is 180 calendar days from the time of purchase.
Aral Sports no patrocina las recompensas ni está afiliado a este programa de recompensas. Los logotipos y otras marcas de identificación adjuntas son marcas comerciales y son propiedad de cada empresa representada y/o sus filiales. Visite el sitio web de cada empresa para conocer los términos y condiciones adicionales.
Aral Sports is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Ardes търгува с компютри и компютърни компоненти. Разполага с 4 магазина (София, Варна, Пловдив и Бургас), онлайн магазин и техническо обслужване.
Ardes trades with computers and computer components. It owns 4 shops (Sofiа, Varna, Plovdiv and Burgas), online shop and technical service.
Ardes sponsert weder die Prämien, noch steht man mit diesem Unternehmen in Verbindung. Die beigefügten Logos und anderen Erkennungszeichen sind Marken und Eigentum des jeweiligen Unternehmens und/oder seiner Tochtergesellschaften. Bitte besuchen Sie die Website des jeweiligen Unternehmens, um mehr zu den Nutzungsbedingungen zu erfahren.
Ardes is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
50,000 products, 1 eGift Card. The new Argos eGift Card is the perfect way to get your hands on shiny new stuff. Fast. Delivered to you by email, you can spend your eGift Card online at argos.co.uk. Letting you shop from your sofa. Or the pub. Or anywhere you like really. We don't mind. Or you can use it in any of our 840 stores. Perfect if you fancy a bit of fresh air and a stroll. Either way, just enjoy spending it. With over 50,000 products to choose from at Argos, you've got some decisions to make. We have all the latest must have items. From tech to toys, furniture to jewellery, there‘s bound to be a great gift for you. Want it today? With Argos Fast Track Delivery available on many items, Argos can deliver to your door the same day! Just check for the Fast Track badge on your selected product at argos.co.uk. Select Argos eGift Card. Go Argos.
Argos codes will be valid for 2 years.
Argos is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Wearing an Arrow shirt with a tie speaks of success and luxury. Arrow apparel is functional and yet fashion-forward, with an element of utter masculinity in every cut. Arm your loved one with an Arrow gift card, and he’ll be all set to be part of one of the greatest American clothing traditions.
Arrow is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Asos est un détaillant britannique de mode et de cosmétiques en ligne.
Asos is a British online fashion and cosmetic retailer.
Asos n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou n'est autrement affilié à ce programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques d'identification ci-joints sont des marques déposées appartenant à chaque société représentée et / ou ses filiales. Veuillez visiter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions générales supplémentaires.
Asos is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Asos ist ein britischer Online-Mode- und Kosmetikhändler.
Asos is a British online fashion and cosmetic retailer.
Asos ist kein Sponsor der Belohnungen oder anderweitig mit diesem Belohnungsprogramm verbunden. Die beigefügten Logos und sonstigen Kennzeichen sind Marken und Eigentum jedes vertretenen Unternehmens und / oder seiner verbundenen Unternehmen. Bitte besuchen Sie die Website jedes Unternehmens für weitere Geschäftsbedingungen.
Asos is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Asos è un rivenditore di moda e cosmetici online britannico.
Asos is a British online fashion and cosmetic retailer.
Asos non è uno sponsor dei premi o comunque affiliato a questo programma di ricompensa. I loghi e gli altri marchi identificativi allegati sono marchi e proprietà di ciascuna società rappresentata e / o delle sue affiliate. Per ulteriori termini e condizioni, visitare il sito Web di ciascuna società.
Asos is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Com o Cartão Presente Assaí você encontra disponíveis mais de sete mil itens de grandes marcas nacionais e importadas de mercearia, alimentos, perecíveis, embalagens, bazar, higiene, bebidas e limpeza. Variedade aliada à qualidade no atendimento e ao preço competitivo.
With the Assaí Gift Card, you can find more than seven thousand items from major national and imported brands in grocery, food, perishables, packaging, bazaar, hygiene, beverages and cleaning. Variety combined with quality service and competitive prices.
Assaí não é patrocinadora das recompensas ou afiliada ao programa de recompensas. Os logotipos e outras marcas de identificação anexadas são marcas registradas e de propriedade de cada empresa representada e/ou suas afiliadas. Visite o site de cada empresa para obter termos e condições adicionais.
Assaí is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Athleta designs the ultimate performance apparel and gear for every active woman, from the weekend warrior to the committed yogini to the competitive athlete. Designed and tested by women athletes for women athletes.
Athleta is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Atrápalo es una plataforma online dedicada a promocionar ofertas de ocio. Los productos que ofrece, son: entradas, hoteles, viajes, vuelos, trenes, escapadas, cruceros, actividades, restaurantes y alquiler de coches. El Vale de Atrápalo deberá canjearse en la compra de los productos que se ofrecen en la página web de Atrápalo, S.L. (www.atrapalo.com).
Atrápalo is an online platform dedicated to promoting leisure offers. The products offered are: tickets, hotels, trips, flights, trains, getaways, cruises, activities, restaurants and car rental. The Vale de Atrápalo must be used for the purchase of the products offered on the website of Atrápalo, S.L. (www.atrapalo.com).
*Atrapalo no es patrocinador de esta promoción ni está afiliado a este programa de recompensas. Los logotipos y otras marcas de identificación adjuntas son marcas comerciales y son propiedad de cada empresa representada y/o sus filiales. Visite el sitio web de cada empresa para conocer los términos y condiciones adicionales.
*Atrapalo is not a sponsor of this promotion or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Το Attica είναι ένα πολυκατάστημα που βρίσκεται σε πέντε τοποθεσίες σε όλη την Ελλάδα με πάνω από 800 brands που καλύπτουν προϊόντα στις εξής κατηγορίες: γυναικεία, ανδρικά, παιδικά, παπούτσια, καλλυντικά, αξεσουάρ.
Attica is a department store which is found in five locations across Greece with over 800 brands covering products in the following categories: womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, shoes, cosmetics, accessories.
Attica δεν είναι χορηγός των επιβραβεύσεων ούτε συνδέεται με άλλο τρόπο με το πρόγραμμα επιβράβευσης. Τα επισυναπτόμενα λογότυπα και άλλα αναγνωριστικά σήματα είναι εμπορικά σήματα και ανήκουν σε κάθε εκπροσωπούμενη εταιρεία ή/και στις θυγατρικές της. Επισκεφθείτε τον ιστότοπο κάθε εταιρείας για πρόσθετους όρους και προϋποθέσεις.
Attica is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Fondée en 1931, Aubert propose tous les produits nécessaires à maman et bébé de sa naissance à 3 ans. A travers plus de 150 magasins en France et en Suisse, près de 1000 professionnels de la puériculture sont à votre service pour que vous trouviez la solution la plus adéquate au confort et à l'épanouissement de bébé. L'enseigne est en mesure d'offrir des milliers de références, réunissant en un seul lieu tout ce que le marché peut offrir de plus varié en termes de qualité d'options et de prix.
Founded in 1931, Aubert offers all the products necessary for mother and baby from birth to 3 years old. Through more than 150 stores in France and Switzerland, nearly 1,000 childcare professionals are at your service so that you find the most appropriate solution for baby's comfort and development. The brand is able to offer thousands of references, bringing together in one place all the most varied things the market can offer in terms of quality of options and prices.
Aubert n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement affilié au programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques d'identification ci-jointes sont des marques déposées de chaque société représentée et/ou de ses affiliés et leur appartiennent. Veuillez consulter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions supplémentaires.
Aubert is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Les Cartes Cadeaux utilisables dans tous les rayons de plus de 400 magasins hypermarchés et supermarchés Auchan ainsi que dans les caisses des Drives Auchan. Vous pourrez ainsi toujours avoir une idée de cadeau que ce soit pour des vêtements, des spectacles, tout ce qui concerne le multimédia ou encore le rayon vin !
Venez vite découvrir toutes nos gammes de Cartes Cadeaux pour le plus grand plaisir de vos proches !
Gift Cards can be used in all departments of more than 400 Auchan hypermarkets and supermarkets as well as at Auchan Drive checkouts. You can always have a gift idea, whether for clothes, shows, anything related to multimedia or even the wine department!
Come and discover all our ranges of Gift Cards for the greatest pleasure of your loved ones!
Auchan n'est ni sponsor des récompenses ni affilié à ce programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques d'identification jointes sont des marques de commerce de et appartiennent à chaque société représentée et / ou ses filiales. Veuillez visiter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions générales supplémentaires.
Auchan is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
The world's largest hand-rolled soft pretzel franchise, Auntie Anne's couples a fresh, sweet taste with a light, bread-like texture that elevates hand-rolled soft pretzels to a category of its own. Auntie Anne's is also loved for its Pretzel Dogs, signature lemonade and Lemonade Mixers. This Auntie Anne’s - Mix It Up gift card is also redeemable at participating Carvel, Cinnabon, Jamba, McAlister’s Deli, Moe’s Southwest Grill and Schlotzsky’s locations. Mix It Up for More Favorites, Flavors & Fun!
Auntie Anne's is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
AutoZone is your number one destination for quality auto parts, trustworthy advice and affordable car care solutions and accessories. With free services like Fix Finder, battery testing and charging, and our Loan-A-Tool® program, AutoZone has the parts and services you need to get the job done right. Our extensive coverage in-store and at AutoZone.com gets you the parts you need fast, when and where you need them.
*AutoZone is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Avirate is a lifestyle fashion brand, which focuses on sensuality and sophistication, with an effortless approach to styling women for every part of their lives. Taking inspiration from the latest international trends each collection features an extensive selection of casual wear, work wear and evening wear, offering everything from form-fitting dresses that celebrate the feminine figure to figure-flattering jumpsuits for those easy desk to dinner transitions. With its elevated mix of textures and styles, Avirate appeals to every woman´s sense of style and modern attitude.
Avirate Sri Lanka is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Aéropostale is an inclusive, modern and global multichannel retailer of casual apparel and accessories, primarily serving the Gen Z customer. The company provides compelling values for a variety of high-quality fashion and fashion basics, including denim, tees, hoodies, joggers, leggings, eco-conscious styles & other on-trend assortments. Customers can shop any of the innovative and exciting Aéropostale store locations, or online 24/7 at www.aeropostale.com
Aéropostale is a registered trademark of ABG-AERO IPCO, LLC. All rights reserved. This Gift Card is subject to Aéropostale’s terms and conditions. Aéropostale is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this offer. www.aeropostale.com
Wer bei B&B HOTELS eincheckt, soll sich wohlfühlen. Denn die Budget-Kette bietet sowohl Geschäfts- als auch Privatkunden eine Kombination aus Komfort, Design und hochwertigen Dienstleistungen zu einem attraktiven Preis: kostenfreies WLAN und Sky-TV, eine regulierbare Klimaanlage, schallisolierte Fenster sowie ein umfangreiches Frühstücksbuffet. Mit derzeit über 165 Hotels in Deutschland sind die B&B HOTELS für jeden Anlass die richtige Wahl. Durch den kontaktlosen Check-in und Check-out sowie kostenfreie Stornierungen am Anreisetag bis 19 Uhr ermöglicht B&B HOTELS ein rundum flexibles Reiseerlebnis.
Anyone who checks in at B&B HOTELS should feel comfortable. The budget chain offers both business and private customers a combination of comfort, design and high-quality services at an attractive price: free Wi-Fi and Sky TV, adjustable air conditioning, soundproof windows and an extensive breakfast buffet. With currently over 165 hotels in Germany, B&B HOTELS are the right choice for every occasion. With contactless check-in and check-out as well as free cancellations on the day of arrival until 7 p.m., B&B HOTELS enables a completely flexible travel experience.
Airbnb Germany non è uno sponsor dei premi o comunque affiliato a questo programma di ricompensa. I loghi e gli altri marchi identificativi allegati sono marchi e proprietà di ciascuna società rappresentata e / o delle sue affiliate. Per ulteriori termini e condizioni, visitare il sito Web di ciascuna società.
Airbnb Germany is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
With nearly 300 stores in the UK and Ireland, the brand’s online channel diy.com and concessions opening in a well-known supermarket, B&Q is one of the UK’s largest home improvement and garden retailers. It has a range of flexible finance options to help customers create their dream kitchen, bathroom or bedroom, while its concession Tradepoint is built to provide products and services for tradesmen when they need it. B&Q believes anyone can improve their home to make life better and offers a wide range of products, as well as inspirational ideas and advice, to support its ethos. This includes delivering high-quality essentials, such as paint, power tools, garden furniture, BBQs and plants all at affordable prices.
B&Q is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
تعد شركة B.TECH أكبر شبكة متخصصة في التجارة والبيع بالتجزئة في كافة أنحاء البلاد، فهي توفر أحدث الأجهزة المنزلية والأجهزة الإلكترونية الاستهلاكية والهواتف المحمولة ومنتجات تقنية المعلومات وخدماتها للمستهلكين المصريين في كل مكان. وشهد عام 2005 انطلاقة B.TECH في خدمات التوزيع وأصبحت الوكيل الحصري للعديد من العلامات التجارية العالمية مثل Ariston وBabyliss وDaewoo وCraft. والآن، تفخر B.TECH بتوزيع مجموعة من العلامات التجارية التي تشمل Meile وBraun وMagic، وبدءًا من يونيو 2014، تأسست شركة AppleB.TECH عام 1997 بثلاثة أفرع للبيع بالتجزئة وهي: فرع المقطم وفرع السيدة زينب وفرع عرابي في المهندسين وفرع جراند مول المعادي. وبحلول عام 2002، كان لدينا 23 فرعًا عاملاً وفي عام 2015، افتتحت شركة B.TECH الفرع الـ 63 لها في محافظة الأسكندرية احتفالاً بالذكرى السنوية الحادية عشرة لها في هذه المدينة، لتصبح بذلك أكبر شركة بيع بالتجزئة على مستوى البلاد في تقديم الأجهزة الإلكترونية الاستهلاكية والأجهزة المنزلية والهواتف المحمولة ومنتجات تقنية المعلومات، حيث نقدم خدماتنا إلى عملائنا من مارينا في الساحل الشمالي والغردقة بمحافظة البحر الأحمر إلى الأقصر وأسوان في الجنوب. إضافةً إلى سلسلة لا مثيل لها من منافذ البيع بالتجزئة التي يسهل الوصول إليها والمملوكة بالكامل، تقدم B.TECH مساعدتها إلى المستهلكين في كل محافظة ومدينة وبلدة في مصر من خلال شبكة كبيرة من الموزعين ومراكز الخدمات.
B.TECH stands as the largest specialized retail and trade network nationwide, bringing state-of-the-art household appliances, consumer electronics, mobile, and IT products and services to Egyptian customers everywhere. B.TECH started its distribution operation in 2005, becoming the exclusive agent for several international brands like Ariston, Babyliss, Daewoo, and Craft. Now, B.TECH boasts a collection of brands including Meile, Braun, Magic, and as of June 2014, AppleB.TECH was established in 1997 with three retail branches: the Mokattam branch, the Sayeda Zeinab branch, the Orabi branch in Mohandiseen, and the Maadi Grand Mall branch. By 2002, we had 23 operating branches, and in 2015 B.TECH opened its 63rd branch in the governorate of Alexandria, marking the 11th in that city, becoming the largest nationwide retailer for consumer electronics, household appliances, mobile and information technology products, serving our customers from Marina in the North Coast and Hurghada in the Red Sea to Luxor and Aswan in the South. In addition to the unparalleled chain of accessible, fully owned retail outlets, B.TECH offers its assistance to consumers in every governorate, city, and town in Egypt through a large network of dealers and service centers.
BRAND ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
B-Tech Egypt is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
If you’re searching for a fun, high-energy restaurant with delicious food and handcrafted beers, BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse is an excellent choice.
BJ's Restaurants is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Our retail concept is not only a business; it goes beyond profit making and make everything happens with love and sincerity. As a family we passionately built BMS Organics to how it is today, upholding our mission to promote a holistic and healthy lifestyle and an eco-friendly diet." Today, we own more than 50 stores and there are more than 25 BMS Organics Vegetarian Cafes deliver natural and organic foods that are not only impress palates of different age groups but helping them to start loving healthy vegetarian cuisines.
Најпознатији брендови сатова, кожне галантерије и наочара за сунце
Most renowned watch brands, leather goods and sunglasses
BPM Watches није спонзор награда нити је на други начин повезан са програмом награђивања. Логотипи и други идентификациони знаци приложени су заштитни знаци сваке компаније и/или њених филијала и власништво су сваке компаније. Посетите веб локацију сваке компаније понаособ за додатне услове и одредбе.
BPM Watches is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
BUT c’est 50 ans de créativité au service de l’équipement de la maison. Toujours dévoués au « bien-habiter », nous sommes aujourd’hui devenus le 1er réseau d’équipement de la maison, omnicanal et multi-spécialiste, avec plus de 320 magasins en France. But, c’est un point de vente à moins de 20 minutes de 80 % des Français!
BUT is 50 years of creativity serving home furnishings. Always dedicated to “well-living”, we have today become the leading omnichannel and multi-specialist home equipment network, with more than 320 stores in France. But, it is a point of sale less than 20 minutes from 80% of French people!
BUT n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement affilié au programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques d'identification ci-jointes sont des marques déposées de chaque société représentée et/ou de ses affiliés et leur appartiennent. Veuillez consulter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions supplémentaires.
BUT is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Alles was Sie für sich und Ihr Baby brauchen, finden Sie bei Baby-Walz. Mit über 30.000 Artikeln bietet Baby-Walz alles was Mutti und Kind glücklich macht. Das Angebot reicht dabei von Umstandsmode über Baby-Ausstattung bis hin zu Spiel- und Freizeitartikeln für die junge Familie. Wir bauen unsere Stellung als Europas größtes Spezialversandhaus für die junge Familie laufend weiter aus. Dazu trägt inzwischen natürlich auch unser Web-Shop maßgeblich bei: unter www.baby-walz.com präsentieren wir unser gesamtes Sortiment – und viele kleine "Extras" mehr.
You can find everything you need for yourself and your baby at Baby-Walz. With over 30,000 items, Baby-Walz offers everything that makes mom and child happy. The offering ranges from maternity wear and baby equipment to play and leisure items for young families. We are continually expanding our position as Europe's largest specialist mail order company for young families. Of course, our web shop now also makes a significant contribution to this: at www.baby-walz.com we present our entire range – and many more little “extras”.
Baby-Walz sponsert weder die Prämien, noch steht man mit diesem Unternehmen in Verbindung. Die beigefügten Logos und anderen Erkennungszeichen sind Marken und Eigentum des jeweiligen Unternehmens und/oder seiner Tochtergesellschaften. Bitte besuchen Sie die Website des jeweiligen Unternehmens, um mehr zu den Nutzungsbedingungen zu erfahren.
Baby-Walz is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Køb dit gavekort til BabySam lige her. Med et BabySam gavekort glæder du alt fra forældre til børn samt småbørn. Om BabySam: BabySam stræber efter at være de største og bedste i Norden, når det gælder børn og børneartikler. Virksomheden understøtter deres udvikling samt sikkerhed gennem salg af kvalitetsprodukter og rådgivning. Med mere end 40 års erfaring i branchen tilbyder BabySam rådgivning og service af højeste kvalitet. BabySam’s personale er certificeret i rådgivning af barnevogne og autostole. De tilbyder altså kunden personlig rådgivning med ansvarlighed og faglighed som topprioritet. BabySam tilbyder et bredt sortiment til alt fra dit barns garderobe, elementer til børneværelset samt udstyr til turen i form af autostole, barnevogne og klapvogne hvor de altid matcher konkurrenternes priser!
Buy your gift card for BabySam right here. With a BabySam gift card, you will delight everyone from parents to children and toddlers. About BabySam: BabySam strives to be the biggest and best in the Nordics when it comes to children and children's articles. The company supports their development and safety through the sale of quality products and advice. With more than 40 years of experience in the industry, BabySam offers advice and service of the highest quality. BabySam's staff are certified in advising on prams and car seats. They therefore offer the customer personal advice with responsibility and professionalism as top priority. BabySam offers a wide range for everything from your child's wardrobe, elements for the children's room and equipment for the trip in the form of car seats, prams and pushchairs where they always match the competitors' prices!
BabySam er ikke en sponsor til præmierne eller på anden måde tilknyttet loyalitetsprogrammet. De fastgjorte logoer og andre identificerende kendetegn er varemærker, som tilhører og ejes af hver repræsenteret virksomhed og/eller dennes koncernselskaber. Besøg hver virksomheds websted for yderligere vilkår og betingelser.
BabySam is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Babycottons diseña y comercializa ropa y accesorios de alta calidad para bebes y niños de 0 a 6 años utilizando el mejor algodón del mundo.
Babycottons designs and markets high-quality clothing and accessories for babies and children from 0 to 6 years old using the best cotton in the world.
Babycottons no es patrocinador de las recompensas ni tampoco está afiliado al programa de recompensas. Los logotipos y otras marcas identificativas son marcas registradas y pertenecen a la compañía que representan y/o a sus afiliados. Por favor, para conocer los términos y condiciones, visita la web de cada empresa.
Babycottons is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
لا تخطئ في تقديم هديتك مرة أخرى. تُعد بطاقة هدايا شكرًا Shukran طريقة رائعة لتعبر عن "عيد ميلاد سعيد" أو "شكرًا لك" أو "تهانينا" أو "أحسنت" ومنح أحبائك الهدية الرائعة من اختيارك. يمكن استبدال بطاقات هدايا شكرًا Shukran عبر متاجر Landmark Central Market المشاركة الفعلية وعلى الإنترنت، مثل Centrepoint وBabyshop وSplash وShoemart وLifestyle وMax وHome Centre وCarpisa وLe Confort وPablosky وSteve Madden في جميع أنحاء الكويت.
Don’t go wrong with your gift again. Shukran gift card is a great way to say, “Happy Birthday”, “Thank You”, “Congratulations” or “Well Done” and give your loved ones the wonderful gift of choice. Shukran gift cards can be redeemed across participating participating Landmark Central Market's physical and online stores i.e. Centrepoint, Babyshop, Splash, Shoemart, Lifestyle, Max, Home Centre, Carpisa, Le Confort, Pablosky, Steve Madden across Kuwait.
Babyshop ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Babyshop is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Lلا تخطئ في تقديم هديتك مرة أخرى. تُعد بطاقة هدايا شكرًا طريقة رائعة لتعبر عن "عيد ميلاد سعيد" أو "شكرًا لك" أو "تهانينا" أو "أحسنت" ومنح أحبائك الهدية الرائعة من اختيارك. يمكن استبدال بطاقات هدايا شكرًا عبر متاجر لاندمارك العربية المشاركة وعلى الإنترنت، مثل Centrepoint وBabyshop وSplash وShoemart وLifestyle وMax وHome Centre وHome Box وShoexpress وCarpisa وEcco وLe Confort وSteve Madden وZafran & Nando's في جميع أنحاء المملكة العربية السعودية. .
Don’t go wrong with your gift again. Shukran gift card is a great way to say, “Happy Birthday”, “Thank You”, “Congratulations” or “Well Done” and give your loved ones the wonderful gift of choice. Shukran gift cards can be redeemed across participating Landmark Arabia’s physical & online stores i.e. Centrepoint, Babyshop, Splash, Shoemart, Lifestyle, Max, Home Centre, Home Box, Shoexpress, Carpisa, Ecco, Le Confort, Steve Madden, Zafran & Nando's across KSA.
Babyshop ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Babyshop is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
لا تخطئ في تقديم هديتك مرة أخرى. تُعد بطاقة هدايا شكرًا Shukran طريقة رائعة لتعبر عن "عيد ميلاد سعيد" أو "شكرًا لك" أو "تهانينا" أو "أحسنت" ومنح أحبائك الهدية الرائعة من اختيارك. يمكن استبدال بطاقات هدايا شكرًا Shukran عبر متاجر علامة Landmark Central Market التجارية المشاركة الفعلية وعلى الإنترنت، مثل Centrepoint وBabyshop وSplash وShoemart وLifestyle وMax وHome Centre وHome Box وShoexpress وCarpis وEcco وLe Confort وLipsy وPablosky وSteve Madden وCarluccio's وMax's Restaurants وMax All about Chicken & Zafran في جميع أنحاء الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
Don’t go wrong with your gift again. Shukran gift card is a great way to say, “Happy Birthday”, “Thank You”, “Congratulations” or “Well Done” and give your loved ones the wonderful gift of choice. Shukran gift cards can be redeemed across participating Landmark Group’s physical & online stores i.e. Centrepoint, Babyshop, Splash, Shoemart, Lifestyle, Max, Home Centre, Home Box, Shoexpress, Carpisa, Ecco, Le Confort, Lipsy, Pablosky, Steve Madden, Carluccio's, Max's Restaurants, Max All about Chicken & Zafran across UAE.
Babyshop ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Babyshop is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Bahama Breeze is the restaurant that brings you the feeling of a Caribbean escape, offering the food, drink and atmosphere you would find in the islands! For locations, visit us at www.bahamabreeze.com.
Darden Restaurants, Inc. is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
In August 1990, Baja Fresh® Mexican Grill opened its first Mexican restaurant featuring all-fresh, traditional fire-grilled favorites. Like many who grew up on fast food, we realized that it was time for something else, something different and something FRESH. Baja Fresh continues to be passionate about serving the freshest and highest-quality Mexican food in our bright, clean restaurants. We believe in the benefits of eating well, being active and making a contribution to the communities we serve. We call this philosophy "Live Fresh" and you'll find this attitude in everything we do. We choose handmade and farm fresh ingredients for our Mexican food, not tin-canned. You'll enjoy freshly prepared Mexican platters, not glorified TV dinners from microwaves and freezers.
*2021 MTY Franchising USA, Inc. is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Zgjidhni kartën dhuratë Balfin për të shpërblyer veten me zgjedhjen më të madhe të markave në Shqipëri: Neptun, Jumbo, Spar, Fashion Group (Okaidi, Prenatal, GEOX, Springfield, Mango, Women'secret, Parfois, Cortefiel, Carpisa etj), Liri zgjedhjesh pa kufi për të shpenzuar kudo që të pëlqen, blerjet nuk e kanë bërë kurrë më të lehtë. Lumturia është e garantuar.
Choose Balfin gift card to reward yourself with the largest choice of brands in Albania: Neptun, Jumbo, Spar, Fashion Group (Okaidi, Prenatal, GEOX, Springfield, Mango, Women’secret, Parfois, Cortefiel, Carpisa etc), Unlimited choices freedom of spending wherever it pleases you, shopping has never made easier. Happiness is guaranteed.
*Balfin nuk është sponsor i shpërblimeve ose i lidhur ndryshe me këtë program shpërblimi. Logot dhe shenjat e tjera identifikuese të bashkangjitura janë marka tregtare dhe në pronësi të secilës kompani të përfaqësuar dhe/ose filialeve të saj. Ju lutemi vizitoni faqen e internetit të secilës kompani për terma dhe kushte shtesë.
*Balfin is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Exceptional quality, luxurious fabrics and refined tailoring define Banana Republic’s signature style. From work to casual occasions, Banana Republic offers covetable, uncomplicated style.
Banana Republic is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Kalyan Jewellers is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Choose from an unmatched selection of books, CDs, DVDs, toys, games, and gifts—even treats from our Café—at the world’s largest bookseller. Good at all Barnes & Noble, B. Dalton Bookseller stores, Barnes & Noble College bookstores, and online at www.bn.com. Always the Perfect Gift and great for all occasions.
Barnes & Noble is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this promotion. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit www.bn.com for terms and conditions of use. Barnes & Noble is not liable for any alleged or actual claims related to this offer.
आइसक्रीम, शेक, केक, पाई तथा और भी बहुत कुछ की मिठास का आनंद लें! दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी आइसक्रीम की विशिष्टता वाली श्रंखला बास्किन रॉबिंस अपने ग्राहकों को विश्व स्तरीय फ्लेवर पेश कर रही है। बास्किन रॉबिन्स गिफ्ट कार्ड और गिफ्ट वाउचर का उपयोग करें और रियायती सौदों के साथ अपने स्वाद को पूरा करें।
Indulge in the sweetness of ice-creams, shakes, cakes, pies and more! Baskin Robbins, worlds largest ice cream speciality chain, is serving world class flavours to its customers. Use Baskin Robbins Gift Cards and Gift Vouchers and pamper your taste buds with discounted deals.
Baskin Robbins रिवॉर्ड्स का प्रायोजक नहीं है या अन्यथा रिवॉर्ड कार्यक्रम से संबद्ध नहीं है। संलग्न लोगो और अन्य पहचान चिह्न प्रत्येक प्रतिनिधित्व कंपनी और / या उसके सहयोगियों के ट्रेडमार्क और स्वामित्व में हैं। अतिरिक्त नियमों और शर्तों के लिए कृपया प्रत्येक कंपनी की वेबसाइट पर जाएं।
Baskin Robbins is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Francais aiskrim dan pencuci mulut sejuk beku yang terkenal di Amerika Syarikat oleh malajah Entrepreneur, kedudukan Francais 500¬Æ Äôs tahunan kali ke-31, Baskin-Robbins adalah rantaian kedai istimewa aiskrim Äôs yang terbesar. Baskin-Robbins telah mencipta dan memasarkan aiskrim yang inovatif, premium, pencuci mulut dan minuman sejuk beku yang istimewa, memberikankualiti dan nilai kepada pengguna di lebih daripada 6,700 redai runcit dalam hampir 50 buah negara. Baskin-Robbins telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1945 oleh dua orang penggemar aiskrim yang bersemangat untuk membawa ciptaan lebih daripada 1,000 perisa aiskrim dan pelbagai makanan yang sedap. Beribu pejabat di Canton, Mass, Baskin-Robbins ialah sebahagian daripada keluarga syarikat Dunkin' Brands Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: DNKN).
Named the top ice cream and frozen dessert franchise in the United States by Entrepreneur magazine’s 31st annual Franchise 500® ranking, Baskin-Robbins is the world’s largest chain of ice cream specialty shops. Baskin-Robbins creates and markets innovative, premium ice cream, specialty frozen desserts and beverages, providing quality and value to consumers at more than 6,700 retail shops in nearly 50 countries. Baskin-Robbins was founded in 1945 by two ice cream enthusiasts whose passion led to the creation of more than 1,000 ice cream flavors and a wide variety of delicious treats. Headquartered in Canton, Mass., Baskin-Robbins is part of the Dunkin' Brands Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: DNKN) family of companies.
*Baskin Robbins bukan penaja ganjaran atau sebaliknya digabungkan dengan program ganjaran. Logo dan tanda pengenal pasti lain yang dilampirkan adalah tanda perdagangan dan dimiliki oleh setiap syarikat yang diwakili dan/atau gabungannya. Sila lawati laman web setiap syarikat untuk terma dan syarat tambahan.
*Baskin Robbins Malaysia is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
배스킨라빈스는 미국의 아이스크림 프랜차이즈다.
Baskin Robbins is an American ice cream franchise brand.
Baskin Robbins 는 보상의 스폰서가 아니며 보상 프로그램과 제휴하지 않았습니다. 첨부된 로고 및 기타 식별 표시는 각 대표 회사 및/또는 그 계열사가 보유한 상표입니다. 추가 사용 약관은 각 회사의 웹사이트를 방문해 확인하세요.
Baskin Robbins is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Donner une carte-cadeau de Bass Pro Shops® pour votre amateur de plein air préférée ! Si ils chassent, pêchent ou tout simplement ont une appréciation pour les grands espaces, une carte-cadeau de Bass Pro Shops® est le cadeau qui est toujours dans la saison. 3 façons de magasiner à Bass Pro Shops®
Give a Bass Pro Shops® Canada Gift Card to your favorite outdoor enthusiast! Whether they hunt, fish or just have an appreciation for the great outdoors, a Bass Pro Shops® Canada Gift Card is the gift that is always in season. 3 ways to shop at Bass Pro Shops® Canada:
Bass Pro Shops® n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement associés à la société. Les logos et autres marques d'identification jointes sont des marques déposées d'et détenue par chacun représenté la société et/ou de ses filiales. Visitez le site Web de chaque compagnie pour les termes et conditions supplémentaires.
Bass Pro Shops® is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Bata is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
We Make Fragrance Fun!™
From head-to-toe and throughout your home, Bath & Body Works brings you the best indulgences with exclusive Signature Collection scents, the world’s best Home Fragrances, Anti-Bacterial Hand Soaps & Sanitizers, perfect gifts & so much more!
Bath & Body Works is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Célébrez un monde de fragrances de la tête aux pieds et dans toute votre maison, Bath & Body Works vous offre les meilleures fragrances au monde avec des soins pour le corps, des chandelles enveloppantes, des savons pour les mains moussants, de parfaits cadeaux et bien plus.
Celebrate fragrance fun from head-to-toe and throughout your home, Bath & Body Works brings you the world’s best fragrances in skin-loving body care, room-filling candles, sudsy hand soaps, the perfect gifts and so much more.
Bath & Body Works n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement associés à cette entreprise. Les logos et autres marques d'identification jointes sont des marques déposées d'et détenue par chacun représenté la société et/ou de ses filiales. Visitez le site Web de chaque compagnie pour les termes et conditions supplémentaires.
Bath & Body Works is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Since its humble inception in 1888, in the rural farming community of Monroe, NC, Belk has grown into the nation’s largest, privately-owned mainline department store company, with nearly 300 fashion stores across 16 Southern states, and a thriving eCommerce website at Belk.com. The company offers the best in Modern. Southern. Style., housing many of the nation’s top fashion designer and national brands of cosmetics, apparel, accessories, shoes and home decor, as well as outstanding lines of private brand merchandise, both online and in stores.
*Belk is not a sponsor of the rewards or promotion or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Bennet da oltre 40 anni è leader nel mercato degli ipermercati.
Bennet has been a leader in the hypermarket market for over 40 years.
Bennet non è uno sponsor dei premi né è altrimenti affiliato al programma di premi. I loghi e altri segni identificativi allegati sono marchi di fabbrica e di proprietà di ciascuna società rappresentata e/o delle sue affiliate. Si prega di visitare il sito Web di ciascuna azienda per ulteriori termini e condizioni.
Bennet is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
De plus, l’entreprise s’engage auprès des enfants et des communautés en soutenant des organisations à but non lucratif qui aident les jeunes à développer leurs habiletés, découvrir leurs talents et soutenir leur intérêt pour l’éducation.
Les cartes-cadeaux sont disponibles en une variété de dénominations, n’ont pas de date d’expiration ni de frais. Utilisez votre carte-cadeau Best Buy sur BestBuy.ca ou à n’importe quel magasin Best Buy du Canada
Ne partagez jamais un numéro de carte-cadeau ou un NIP par téléphone ou en ligne, surtout avec des gens que vous ne connaissez pas.
Best Buy focuses on providing an intuitive, convenient, and unique omnichannel shopping experience. It offers the latest and greatest tech, including brand name home theatre systems, tablets, computers, home audio, smart phones, smart tech, gaming devices,and more, all backed by a low price guarantee.
Plus, the company is committed to kids and communities, supporting non-profit organizations that help youth develop their skill set, discover their talents, and sustain a lasting interest in education.
Gift Cards are available in various denominations, have no expiration date, and no fees. Use your Best Buy Gift Card at BestBuy.ca or any Best Buy store location across Canada.
Never share a gift card number or PIN over the phone or online, especially with someone you don't know.
Best Buy® n'est pas un sponsor de la récompense ou promotion ou autrement associés à la société. Les logos et autres marques d'identification jointes sont des marques déposées d'et détenue par chacun représenté la société et/ou de ses filiales. Visitez le site Web de chaque compagnie pour les termes et conditions supplémentaires.
Best Buy® is not a sponsor of the rewards or promotion or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Being a leading electrical and electronic retailer in Japan, Best Denki opened its door to the Singapore market in 1985. Now, with 10 outlets strategically located across the island, BEST DENKI is committed to fulfilling its mission to its customers to enhance their quality of life and lifestyle through its good selection of electrical and electronic products and services. BEST DENKI has a variety of smart devices, such as smart phone, tablet, smart watch, and other accessories, among other electronics such as cameras, computers, laptops, printers and scanners. You could buy yourself a smart LED TV, LCDs, DVD player/recorder, or speakers, too. Home appliances include refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, water heater and many more. The wide selection of electronic products, well-structured product information and prompt customer service will let you enjoy a satisfying and unique shopping experience.
Multiple use of gift card, remaining balance may be used at a later time. Can be combined with other gift cards to complete purchase.
*Best Denki is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
BEST POINT is one of the leading Electrical and IT products wholesalers and Furniture retailers in Northern Malaysia. As business grows, we continue the progress and development that sees the prominent brand name Best Point on eight partner outlets established nationwide, mainly in the northern region of Malaysia.
Best Point is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
The Best Restaurants digital Gift Card gives you the opportunity to give the ultimate Gift - the gift of indulgence. With a Best Restaurants Gift Card bought, you can give the gift of a thoughtful dining experience for all types of foodies. Best Restaurants Gift Cards are a perfect gift idea for any occasion including birthdays, Christmas, gifts for him, gifts for her or couples, baby showers, Mother's Day, Father's Day, anniversaries, weddings, corporate incentives and more.
Best Restaurants is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Offrez le cadeau du voyage®. La carte cadeau Best Western® vous permet d'accueillir plus de 4 000 hôtels dans plus de 100 pays et territoires dans votre portefeuille. La carte cadeau Best Western n'expire jamais et est acceptée dans les hôtels BWH du monde entier (à l'exclusion de la collection World Hotels®). Explorez le monde avec une carte-cadeau pratique.
Give the gift of travel®. The Best Western® Gift Card lets you add more than 4,000 hotels in over 100 countries and territories to your wallet. The Best Western Gift Card never expires and is accepted at BWH hotels worldwide (excluding the World Hotels® collection). Explore the world with a convenient gift card.
Best Western n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement affilié au programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques d'identification ci-jointes sont des marques déposées de chaque société représentée et/ou de ses affiliés et leur appartiennent. Veuillez consulter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions supplémentaires.
Best Western is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Poszukujesz karty podarunkowej lub vouchera na prezent dla bliskiej osoby lub pracowników? Skorzystaj z kuponu na nowości i standardową ofertę w sklepach sieci Biedronka. Złóż zamówienie online na kartę podarunkową i zrealizuj ją stacjnonarnie w jednym z dyskontów na terenie całej Polski.
Voucher/kod możesz zrealizować w Sklepach Biedronka na terenie Polski.
Jeśli nie wykorzystasz całkowitej kwoty, znajdującej się na Twoim voucherze pozostałą kwotę możesz wykorzystać ponownie przy kolejnych zakupach. Jeśli wartość Twoich zakupów jest wyższa niż wartość vouchera, możesz dopłacić pozostałą kwotę kartą płatniczą lub gotówką.
Are you looking for a gift card or gift voucher for a loved one or employees? Take advantage of the coupon for new products and standard offers in Biedronka stores. Place an online order for a gift card and redeem it in-store at one of the discount stores throughout Poland.
You can redeem the voucher/code in Biedronka Stores in Poland.
If you do not use the total amount on your voucher, you can use the remaining amount on your next purchases. If the value of your purchases is higher than the value of the voucher, you can pay the remaining amount by card or cash.
Biedronka nie jest sponsorem nagród ani nie jest w żaden inny sposób powiązana z tym nagród. Logotyp i inne dołączone znaki identyfikacyjne są znakami towarowymi i należą do każdej reprezentowanej firmy i/lub jej podmiotów stowarzyszonych. Odwiedź witrynę internetową każdej z firms, aby sprawdzić dodatkowe warunki.
Biedronka is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Big Basket is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
The merchants represented are not sponsors of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with Tango Card, Inc. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company’s website for additional terms and conditions.
buybuy BABY® is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company’s website for additional terms and conditions.
The Dunkin’ Donuts trademarks/trade dress are owned by DD IP Holder LLC and used under license. Dunkin’ Donuts is not a sponsor of this promotion.
The Starbucks word mark and the Starbucks Logo are trademarks of Starbucks Corporation. Starbucks is also the owner of the Copyrights in the Starbucks Logo and the Starbucks Card designs. All rights reserved. Starbucks is not a participating partner or sponsor in this offer.
Target and the Bullseye Design are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. Terms and conditions are applied to gift cards. Target is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this offer.
*This company is not affiliated with The Home Depot®. The Home Depot® is not a sponsor of this promotion. The Home Depot® is a registered trademark of Home Depot Product Authority, LLC.
This company is not affiliated with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Arkansas, LLC, Walmart.com or any of their affiliates. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Arkansas, LLC, Walmart.com and their affiliates do not endorse or sponsor this reward program’s services, products, or activities.See www.walmart.com/giftcardtermsandconditions for complete gift card terms and conditions.