Reports available to Tango customers

Available balance report

The available balance report can show a snapshot in time of the current balance of accounts within a platform. This can be scheduled to run as the full platform, the customer, or single account levels.

When running the platform level, all accounts will be shown on the report regardless of having funds or activity.

For most up to date balance information, login/sign up.

On March 22, we’ll be adding a PO Number column to the Transaction, Orders, and Stored-Value reports. Current samples provided below reflect this change.

Transaction report

The transactions report is a full ledger of account activity over a given time period. The report shows a running balance and all activity that would affect said balance including funding, orders, cancellations, etc. The report also contains all relevant order details that are associated with each individual line within an order. This includes item, value, email details, and customer-specific information they may have passed through along with the order.

View sample report

Orders report

The orders report shows all relevant details of only the orders placed by a platform, customer, or account over a given time frame. This is in contrast to the transactions report which shows all account activity including funding, funding transfers, failed orders, etc. This report can be used in a number of ways similar to the transactions report but more simply shows the outbound details of rewards sent by the customer.

View sample report

Stored-value status report

The Stored-Value (SV) Status Report is named this way because it covers both Promo Link and Reward Link® redemption status and details. This report shows much of the same fields that are present on the Orders and Transactions reports and can be used in conjunction with both reports if so desired. The Stored-Value report follows the same basic design as the previously mentioned reports with columns grouped generally left to right associating with Account info, Order Info, Email info, and Status info. The Status info shows how much was issued, redeemed, cancelled, expired, and what the balance of a specific SV product is at the time of the report. There is also data related to when a Promo Link expires, and how many times any SV has been re-issued and when.

View sample report

Stored Value redemption report with Incentive Program Name

The Stored Value redemption report with Incentive Program Name is named this way because it covers both Promo Link and Reward Link redemption details including brand redeemed. This report differs from the SV Status report in that is will only show the redemption details of SV products that have been redeemed. It does not show SV products that have not been redeemed so that will be important to keep in mind when scheduling or looking at this report. The reason for this change is because Promo/Reward Link can be redeemed multiple times and for different brands, so we thought it would be best to show the detail for the issuance (status report) and redemption (redemption report) separately.

View sample report

Stored Value Status Report - Expirations

Same as Stored Value Status Report, except the date filters are based on when the reward expires.

View sample report

Balance Alert

Send a low balance alert for an account, based on configurable threshold values or number of days remaining vs average daily spend.

View sample report

Transaction Summary

Full transaction details, with running balance.

View sample report

Orders with Email Events Report

Shows all completed order by fulfillment date along with timestamp for the email events of first_delivered, first_opened and the number of times the email has been re-sent.

View sample report

Resend History

Shows resend activity including the original orders email, resend email, when it was sent and who it was initiated by.

View sample report

User Access Levels

The User access levels report provides information about the access level of users in the Tango portal. More information about user management can be found in our help center.

View sample report
Field Name
API Reference


The Account Name

Established during account creation POST /customers or returned in GET /accounts:

“displayName”: “string”

Description: a friendly name for this account


A unique ID generated by Tango Card to be used as a reference when communicating with Tango Card.

Returned in POST/GET /orders response:“accountNumber”: “A55845283”,


A Unique ID per account transaction.


Used for showing additional information around an adjustment applied to transaction that may link to an order or line item.


AMOUNT_CHARGEDThe total amount charged per line item. This will also show the amount that was charged for a credit card deposit.

Returned in POST/GET /orders response (same as total):
“amountCharged”: {
“value”: 0.01,
“currencyCode”: “USD”,
“exchangeRate”: 1.32751,
“total”: 0.01
Returned in POST/GET /creditCardDeposits:
“accountNumber”: “string”,
“amount”: 0,
“amountCharged”: 0,
“createdDate”: “string”,
“feePercent”: 0,
“referenceDepositID”: “string”,
“status”: “string”


Funds available on the account including any pending transactions.


This is included on reports as a running balance so you can see the balance for a given transaction, time.


The name of the brand.

Returned in the GET /catalogs response:
“brandName“: “string”


Customer provided value to categorize orders
*Only available through API.

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET/orders response:

“campaign”: “string”

Description: optional campaign that may be used to administratively categorize a specific order.


The total value of a stored value product that was cancelled.


Defines whether the transaction is a credit or a debit against the account balance.


Currency of the reward

Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“denomination”: {
“value”: 0.01,
“currencyCode”: “CAD”


Funds available not including pending transactions.


The Customer Name

Established during account creation POST /customers or returned in GET /customers:“

displayName”: “string”

Description: a friendly name for this customer


Face value of the reward

Order Request POST /orders:

“amount”: 0

Order Response POST/GET /orders (same as value):

“denomination”: {“value”: 0.01,“currencyCode”: “CAD”
Description: specify the face value of of the reward. Always required, including for fixed value items.


Email Template ID

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“etid”: “E000000”

Description: Optional. The unique identifier for the email template you would like to use. Only applicable if sendEmail is true.



Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

{“value”: 0.01,
“currencyCode”: “USD”,
“exchangeRate”: 1.32751,
“total”: 0.01


Expiration date of the reward

Returned in POST/GET /orders response:
“reward”: {
“credentials”: {
“Expiration Date”: “2019-09-23T06:59:59.48”


The total value of the stored value product that has expired.


Idempotent Customer reference ID to be used to reconcile and/or communicate with Tango Cards about transactions.*Only available through the API.

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“externalRefID”: “string”


Optional. Idempotent field that can be used for client-side order cross reference and prevent accidental order duplication. Will be returned in order response, order details, and order history.


Fee amount for either an order or credit card deposit

Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“amountCharged”: {
“value”: 0.01,
“currencyCode”: “USD”,
“exchangeRate”: 1.32751,
“fee”: 0.2500,
“total”: 0.2
Returned in POST/GET /creditCardDeposits:
“accountNumber”: “string”,
“amount”: 0,
“amountCharged”: 0,
“createdDate”: “string”,
“feePercent”: 0,
“referenceDepositID”: “string”,
“status”: “string”


The timestamp when the email was first delivered.


The timestamp when the email was first opened.


The total value of the stored value product that was issued.


The timestamp of the latest funding as of the report being run.


The timestamp of the latest order as of the report being run.


The timestamp for the last time a Stored Value product was re-issued.


The timestamp that the line item was created.


The timestamp for when a line item finished processing.


Notes provided by the customer on the line item to be used for internal reference. Commonly used for grouping by department, event, etc.

*Only available through


The status of the line item:


The line number for multi-line orders.


A combination of the originating order_reference_id and line_number associated with an account transaction.


Status of the Stored Value product


This is used for the following:

• Notes provided by the customer on the order to be used for internal reference. Commonly used for grouping by department, event, etc.
• Notes entered by Tango Card for manually transactions such as funding or adjustments
• Credit Card Request IDs which can be used to research credit card deposit

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“notes”: “string”

Description: Optional order notes (up to 150 characters)


How many times a stored value product has been re-issued


How many times an email has been re-sent.


Relates to which product was used to place the order:
• QW: Qualtrics Integration
• CI: File of codes
• RA: RaaS API
• RG: Rewards Genius
• RL: Stored Value Product Redemption
• BI: File processing
• BE: File processing through portal
• CR: File of codes


The status of the line item:


The Platform Name. Setup during on-boarding.


An order level field that can be used for billing/invoicing purposes.
*Only available through and for customers with terms.


Quantity of rewards issued per line item


Recipient Email.

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“recipient”: {
“email”: “string”,
“firstName”: “string”,
“lastName”: “string”

Description: required if sendEmail is true


Recipient First Name

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“recipient”: {
“email”: “string”,
“firstName”: “string”,
“lastName”: “string”

Description: required if sendEmail is true (100 character max)


Recipient Last Name

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“recipient”: {
“email”: “string”,
“firstName”: “string”,
“lastName”: “string”

Description: always optional (100 character max)


The total value of the stored value product that has been redeemed.


The total amount charged per line item.


The name of the brand.


The timestamp of when the redemption order was created


Currency of the reward


Face value of the reward


Recipient Email.


Shows whether the redemption was for a physical or digital reward


The line number for multi-line orders.


reference_order_id: This value is unique to each Order and can be used for communicating with Tango Card about an order


This value shows one of the following:

• reference_order_id: This value is unique to each Order and can be used for communicating with Tango Card about an order or searchable through This ID is shown on order confirmation and reward email templates.
• reference_deposit_id: This value is unique per Credit Card Deposit request and can be used for communicating with Tango Card about a deposit. This ID is shown on deposit confirmation and funding notification emails.

Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“referenceOrderID”: “RG190815-316363-65”,Returned in POST/GET /creditCardDeposits:
“accountNumber”: “string”,
“amount”: 0,
“amountCharged”: 0,
“createdDate”: “string”,
“feePercent”: 0,
“referenceDepositID”: “string”,
“status”: “string”


Message to the recipient to be included on the email.

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“message“: “string”

Description: optional gift message


Reward Name

Returned in POST/GET /orders response:
“utid”: “U783845”,
“rewardName”: “Reward Link”,
“sender”: {
“firstName”: “Tango”,
“lastName”: “Card”,
Returned in the GET /catalogs response:“rewardName“: “string”


Indicates whether Tango Card sends the email

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“sendEmail”: true

Description: should Tango Card send the email to the recipient?


Sender Email

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“sender”: {
“email”: “string”,
“firstName”: “string”,
“lastName”: “string”

Description: always optional


Sender First name

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“sender”: {
“email”: “string”,
“firstName”: “string”,
“lastName”: “string”

Description: always optional (100 character max)


Sender Last name

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“sender”: {
“email”: “string”,
“firstName”: “string”,
“lastName”: “string”

Description: always optional (100 character max)


The transaction amount is reflected as a negative for debits and a positive for credits.


The timestamp of when the transaction was created


The status of the line item:


Indicates which type of transaction was posted to the account.


The unique identifier for the reward / item being ordered

Part of Order Request & Returned in POST/GET /orders response:

“utid”: “string”

Returned in the GET /catalogs response:

“utid“: “string”

Description: the unique identifier for the reward you are sending as provided in the Get Catalog call